Saint Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church

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Russian Greek-Catholic Church

Our indoor Liturgies and other Services will continue to be live-steamed at  Weekday Matins Services will be available via Zoom: if you would like to participate, please contact Father Alexei for Zoom link.    

Our weekly Sunday bulletin will continue to be distributed electronically.


For your convenience, our methods of online giving will continue to be available:   access Givelify  at:

Or if you prefer, our parish GoFundMe account is still active at:


20 Oct


Divine Liturgy, 10:00 a.m.  Immediately following the Liturgy, a Panikhida will be served for all those whose anniversary of Falling Asleep in the Lord occurs during the month of October.


21 Oct


There are no events scheduled for today.


22 Oct


There are no events schedued for today.


23 Oct


Feast of the Holy Apostle James the Brother of the Lord

Matins, 8:00 a.m., in-person and via Zoom. 


24 Oct


There are no events scheduled for today.


25 Oct


Feast of the Holy Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius

Matins, 8:00 a.m., in-person and via Zoom.


26 Oct


There are no events scheduled for today.


27 Oct


Divine Liturgy, 10:00 a.m., followed by our Monthly Charity Luncheon.  Please see the expanded not below for details,

Monthly Charity Luncheon

The beneficiary of this month’s Charity Luncheon will be the Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius.  Founded in 1950, BCS is a free-standing, English speaking theological seminary, welcoming all those seeking the knowledge possessed by Eastern ecclesial traditions.   The seminary is  authorized to grant graduate degrees by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and accredited by the Commission on accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools. 










Prayer Requests

Please do not hesitate to send request for prayers to the rectory.

Restorative Tai Chi

For several years now, classes in Restorative Tai Chi have been held at our parish.  These classes are held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings at 5:30 p.m, and on Sundays at 2 p.m.  If you would like to join, please contact Ara at (310) 333-0792.


Spread the Word!

Following the theft of the proceeds of our 2017 Yard Sale, which were designated to help fund the repairs to our blue cupola on the side of our church, we have established a GoFundMe account to not only recoup the stolen proceeds from the Sale but also to assist in funding the repairs.  

Saint Xenia Charitable Fund

In an effort to assist those members of our parish who are struggling financially due to the faltering economy, loss of employment or decreased retirement benefits, the parish established the Saint Xenia Charitable Fund.  Father Alexei alone administers this fund, and all disbursements and contributions are kept strictly confidential.  Since its establishment, the Saint Xenia Fund has been able to assist several of our parishioners with partial rent payments, money for food, purchase of job-related necessities, payment of utility bills and medications.

Should you wish to assist us in helping our own, please place your cash donation (Father will provide you with a receipt for tax purposes should you desire it) in an envelope marked "Saint Xenia Fund" and give it directly to Father.  Disbursements are made in cash to protect anonymity.

And who is Saint Xenia?  Well, here is her story......


Saint Xenia lived during the eighteenth century, but little is known of her life or of her family. She passed most of her life in Petersburg during the reigns of the empresses Elizabeth and Catherine II.

Xenia Grigorievna Petrova was the wife of an army officer, Major Andrew Petrov. After the wedding, the couple lived in St Petersburg. St Xenia became a widow at the age of twenty-six when her husband suddenly died at a party. She grieved for the loss of her husband, and especially because he died without Confession or Holy Communion.

Once her earthly happiness ended, she did not look for it again. From that time forward, Xenia lost interest in the things of this world, and followed the difficult path of foolishness for the sake of Christ. The basis for this strange way of life is to be found in the first Epistle to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:18-24, 1 Cor. 2:14, 1 Cor. 3:18-19). The Lord strengthened her and helped her to bear sorrow and misfortune patiently for the next forty-five years.

She started wearing her husband's clothing, and insisted that she be addressed as "Andrew Feodorovich." She told people that it was she, and not her husband, who had died. In a certain sense, this was perfectly true. She abandoned her former way of life and experienced a spiritual rebirth. When she gave away her house and possessions to the poor, her relatives complained to the authorities. After speaking to Xenia, the officials were conviced that she was in her right mind and was entitled to dispose of her property as she saw fit. Soon she had nothing left for herself, so she wandered through the poor section of Petersburg with no place to lay her head. She refused all assistance from her relatives, happy to be free of worldly attachments.

When her late husband's red and green uniform wore out, she clothed herself in rags of those colors. After a while, Xenia left Petersburg for eight years. It is believed that she visited holy Elders and ascetics throughout Russia seeking instruction in the spiritual life. She may have visited St Theodore of Sanaxar (February 19), who had been a military man himself. His life changed dramatically when a young officer died at a drinking party. Perhaps this officer was St Xenia's husband. In any case, she knew St Theodore and profited from his instructions.

St Xenia eventually returned to the poor section of Petersburg, where she was mocked and insulted because of her strange behavior. When she did accept money from people it was only small amounts, which she used to help the poor. She spent her nights praying without sleep in a field outside the city. Prayer strengthened her, and in her heart's conversation with the Lord she found the support she needed on her difficult path.

When a new church was being built in the Smolensk cemetery, St Xenia brought bricks to the site. She did this in secret, during the night, so that no one would know.

Soon her great virtue and spiritual gifts began to be noticed. She prophesied future events affecting the citizens of Petersburg, and even the royal family. Against her will, she became known as someone pleasing to God, and nearly everyone loved her.They said, "Xenia does not belong to this world, she belongs to God." People regarded her visits to their homes or shops as a great blessing. St Xenia loved children, and mothers rejoiced when the childless widow would stand and pray over a baby's crib, or kiss a child. They believed that the blessed one's kiss would bring that child good fortune.

St Xenia lived about forty-five years after the death of her husband, and departed to the Lord at the age of seventy-one. The exact date and circumstances of her death are not known, but it probably took place at the end of the eighteenth century. She was buried in the Smolensk cemetery.

By the 1820s, people flocked to her grave to pray for her soul, and to ask her to intercede with God for them. So many visitors took earth from her grave that it had to be replaced every year. Later, a chapel was built over her grave.

Those who turn to St Xenia in prayer receive healing from illness, and deliverance from their afflictions. She is also known for helping people who seek jobs.